tag: Bundle Addict: Pakaian Bundle Terpilih!: (BA-4826) Set Your Goals Band T-Shirt

(BA-4826) Set Your Goals Band T-Shirt

Brand/Tag: Gildan
Type: Tee Shirt
Recommended Size (Asian): S
Measurement: Pit-to-pit: 18.5", Top-to-bottom: 26"
Color: Dark Blue
Decoration: Front: YES, Back: YES
Condition: 80% (Pre-owned... )
Price: RM
Unit: -
Status: SOLD
Info: Set Your Goals is a Easycore band from the San Francisco Bay Area, formed in 2004. Their musical style typically employs a combination of pop punk and melodic hardcore. Their band name is derived from the CIV album of the same name.
Link: Official Site / Wikipedia
